Fantasies or dreams?

“Dreams are what we want our life to be, fantasies are a way of understanding it!”


Dreamers makes the world magical, and fantasies are the magic in itselves. Got confused, right? Well, both these words are so closely connected that this is bound to happen.

I am not going to write any googled definition here, rather I would like to share my thoughts on these two words.

Dreams: Closely connected to our present life, they bonds to our own thoughts about future, or I’ll say that these are our aspirations.

Fantasies: What people call unrealistic is what I call a fantasy. Have you ever heard of fake scenarios, well yes, its likely the same. Feeling realisticity in dreams is what fantasies are.

About me, I am an overthinker, day dreamer, fantasizer and everything like that😅. And believe me, I don’t want to change this, and they are too many to jot down here🤷‍♀️.

I would love to hear, if you’ve anything to share in this regard. Any dreams? Any fantasies? Comment section is all yours.



Published by Vidah


37 thoughts on “Fantasies or dreams?

  1. Great thoughts on your interpretation of these closely linked words…. Continue being a dreamer, overthinker, and fantasizer… The world would be dull without it… 😉😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. And interesting concept actually.
    I’m confused about what to talk about this.
    But I agree that fantasies are unrealistic.
    Wah what a lovely new blog 😁
    Angels are not fantasies, they are real and nowdays they write beautifully like this. 🧚🏻‍♀️

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Of course, yes!!😊
        You talk about marriage so often, I’ll like to know why are you so intersted in getting married? 😁


  3. It’s good to read about the difference between the two words, Vidah. I think of myself as a bit of a dreamer rather than a fantasiser, although I daresay I do a bit of both when I think more about it. When I was young, my Mum and teachers used to call me a dreamer as I often used to stare out of the windows and dream about another life; hence, my concentration skills were lacking. I’m much more focused now I’m an adult, which is just as well; otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to write. I wish you sweet dreams, Vidah. Xx 🌼💕😘

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Good evening Vidah,
    Since you’re not posting any new blog posts (I’m not complaining) I have decided to read your previous blog posts.
    Probably, because I like having conversation with you (a chatterbox).😄
    1) This blog post matches my interests. I have thought for a long time (I’m another overthinker) about my dreams, dreaming process, ambitions, and developed some fantasies.
    This happened because of me getting habituated of reading or listening stories.
    I have got some people in my locality who were/are great storytellers.
    I strongly believed in the magic as a child. And prayed to the God for getting some magical powers (like flying, strong body, getting what I want etc.).
    Now you can understand ‘Why I can’t be a good Science or Math student’. Because I don’t understand ‘the logic’.
    2) So ‘the logic’ you have used in differentiating the Dreams and the Fantasies have helped me to understand my thoughts better.
    Honestly, my dreams are many. And you too must have (different but) many dreams.
    The contribution to develop the fantasies goes to the Bollywood.
    They taught many Indians — how to think, behave, imagine, spend your money, grow a business, be a hero/heroine, and what not.
    Present day, I realise, Bollywood don’t know many things which they (re)presented in their movies.
    “They relied heavily on the Fantasies.”
    3) Friend, the Dreams and the Fantasies can’t be justified the right or the wrong.
    They helped us “to think in a certain way” and “to develop our minds”.
    It was a measure development in/of our life.
    Now “we’re informed” of the many things, we know their reality.
    So you can judge now — how much dreamy or fantastic or real, a particular thought or idea of yours is.
    4) I agree with you that I can’t change this habit of mine, to dream something or develop fantasies about it.
    ‘Daydreaming is costly’ for sure, but if your dreams or fantasies encourages you to process them, ‘take actions’ and improve further, then there’s nothing wrong to think that way.
    Ahh…I am procrastinating over completing my college assignments, and currently taking deep interest in replying your questions at the end of this blog post.
    But I enjoyed writing this.😁
    Long live our friendship.🤝
    (Ya pta nhi kal kon jinda rhe aur kon nhi?🤣🤣)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First of all, thank you so much for commenting.
      Your comment is lengthier than my post (i am glad to hear/read 😊)
      Delighted to meet you Mr. Overthinker (like i am).
      I am good enough in science and my math is blunder😅
      Bollywood is to be blamed for many happenings in my life.🤷
      Assignments are made for procastinating😂, so don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

      And i enjoyed reading your thoughts, my friend.

      #kal ho na ho😁

      Liked by 1 person

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